Enhance Your Project’s Vision with Expert Landscape and Visual Assessments.

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Our Services


Year Round
From £5000.00 + VAT
LVIA is submitted as a chapter of an Environmental Statement for sites where an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is required. Two aspects comprise the final chapter; a site visit to capture potential views where effects may be seen and a desk study of the landscape character of the study area. Timescales from 40-60 days depending on busy periods and site locations.


Year Round
From £3,500.00 + VAT
The landscape and visual appraisal is a stand-alone report for developments that do not require an EIA. This report comprises a site visit to capture potential views where effects can be seen and a desk study of the landscape character of the study area. Timescales are typically from 30-40 days depending on busy periods and site locations.


Year Round
From £3,500.00 + VAT
Townscape Character Appraisal is a stand-alone report focusing on developments in an urban setting rather than a rural one. Urban pattern, land use, density and massing, building types and heights, open spaces, tree cover are observed and assimilated into a comprehensive TCA. Timescales are typically from 30-40 days depending on busy periods and site locations.


Year Round

Price on application.

We offer a tailored appraisal report that is appropriate to the size of the project and the client budget.  As with LVAs, this report would include a site visit and a desk study.  This is an ideal option for private individuals who have a small project.

About Our Services

Our Landscape Planning services provide evidence-based evaluations of the potential effects of proposed development on the local surrounding landscape and visual amenity.  Outcomes from the evaluations identify opportunities to design projects sympathetically to the surroundings, with consideration towards the natural landscape and views.  The most commonly requested types of landscape planning services are Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA), Landscape and Visual Appraisal (LVA) and Townscape and Visual Appraisal (TVA).


What is an LVIA?


LVIA can stand for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment or Landscape and Visual Impact Appraisal. Assessments are submitted as a chapter of an Environmental Statement for sites where an EIA is required; whereas an Appraisal is a standalone report, typically accompanying a planning application. These reports cover the effects of the proposed development on the landscape character of the site and the local area, as well as its effects on visual amenity – i.e., where can the site be seen from in the local area, and how will these views change on construction/operation of the proposed development. A well-prepared LVIA identifies the potential effects to receptors; allowing mitigation to be prepared to reduce negative effects on the local landscape character and visual amenity.

Are there any disbursement costs?


OS mapping and landform data is required for us to include to use for modelling the Zone of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV). These will be charged for separately which, depending on site size can be £100 – £300 plus VAT.


Case Studies

Cowbridge, Wales

A constraints plan, landscape and visual impact appraisal and a hard and soft landscape plan for a site in Cowbridge, South Wales
Read Case Study

Island View, Wormshill

Read Case Study

Broad Street, Clifton

Read Case Study