This village supports a historic conservation area, Scheduled Monuments, and a number of listed buildings. A heritage statement was commissioned to ascertain if the proposed development posed any impact to the setting, and therefore the significance, of these heritage assets.
Two Scheduled Monuments were located in the vicinity of the site. John O’Gaunts Hill, a monument of unknown origin (either a castle or manor) is located within a nearby golf course, some distance from the development site, with no points of view present between the monument and the site. The setting of this monument has been heavily altered by the establishment of the golf course, with treelines within and without the course boundaries providing visual screening from the perspective of the surrounding landscape.
Packhorse Bridge, a late medieval bridge to the centre of the village, is located at a lower elevation to the surrounding area, with a setting comprising the surrounding river and village environment. The appeal of the setting surrounding the bridge has been largely retained, with little development immediately surrounding the bridge. Given the lower elevation, and due to surrounding buildings and trees, the development site is not visible from the perspective of the bridge. As such, no harm was perceived to either of these Scheduled Monuments by the development.
Originally a fairly isolated dwelling, the setting of this building has been altered due to the development of modern housing adjacent to the building. That said, although these are of a modern construction, the historic appeal of this dwelling was not considered to have been impacted by this. The listed building was located immediately to the road, with the modern houses set back, and as such this building is still the most prominent feature along this section of road contributing to the historic appeal of the village as a whole.
Taking this into account, although the proposed development was located within the land opposite this building, it was understood the proposed buildings would also largely be set back from the road, with trees and hedgerows providing visual screening along the frontage. In addition, the proposed buildings would be constructed with a suitable design in fitting with the area. As a result, no harm was perceived to this building, the other listed buildings within the area, or the nearby conservation area.
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